Welcome to The Rebecca Ibel Gallery's new blog. We will be using the blog to share recent news about the artists we represent and gallery exhibitions.
This week we are opening a new exhibition of paintings and drawings by Heimir Bjorgulfsson in our Miranova space. Join us Thursday to meet the artist and hear him talk about this exciting work. In our Short North gallery we are exhibiting hand-poured glass by the New York conceptual artist Rob Wynne through the end of the week.
Artists' News:
We have started this blog in order to share the exciting developments of the gallery artists around the world and here are some current summer highlights:
It has been a great summer, and indeed year, for Laura Sanders. Her work continues to attract more and more attention in the media and among collectors--and deservedly so. Not only will Laura be featured in a forthcoming CMH Magazine 'Studio Visit', but her work is now gracing the well respected Oxford American magazine. As you may know Oxford American is probably the leading publisher of contemporary short fiction in America. Laura's wonderful painting 'Jetsam' from her pool series accompanies a short story in its 'Best of the South 2010' issue. If Laura weren't busy enough, in addition to the photo shoots, interviews, and publication of her work, she is working on a large commissioned piece while continuing to produce new work in her studio.
Our gallery has been privileged to work with New York artist Billy Sullivan for twenty years, so we are happy to report that he just opened a new exhibition of photographs at the Salomon Contemporary Gallery. The exhibition is entitled 'East End Photographs (1973-2009)', and features languorous and sometimes cryptic photographs of people summering in the East Hamptons. As with all of his photographs, these are both beautiful and seemingly effortless.
Los Angles artist Dan McCleary has been busy with a commission by the federal government to create a large painting to be permanently installed in its new courthouse in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The painting honors the role jurors play in the legal system, and reflects Dan's beautiful contemplative style. Before the painting was shipped to New Mexico, Dan graciously opened his Los Angles studio so the work could be viewed up close. We are pleased to see such a project, in which our government supports an important contemporary artist by recognizing the impact that art can have on how the public relates to government institutions. You can view information about the painting, along with photographs, at: http://www.heartofla.org/events/open-studio-hola-students-renowned-artist-hola-artistic-director-dan-mccleary.htm
Melissa Meyer has been included in a group show at the Texas Gallery, which runs through July 31st. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the Texas Gallery, located in Houston, has brought together forty important female contemporary artists, including Melissa, for what has been described as a 'star studded' group show. Having worked with Melissa for many years we are always pleased to see her recognized as the important contemporary artist she is--although her bona fides are beyond dispute at this point.
Congratulations are in order for Patrick Wilson. Patrick was recently selected to have his work included in the Orange County Museum of Art's 2010 California Biennial. The Biennial is an important part of the West Coast art scene, and Patrick is one of only approximately forty artists or collaborative groups to be included in the 2010 Biennial. The Biennial opens on October 24th. More information is available at: http://www.ocma.net/index.html?page=upcoming
Daina Higgins will be included in The Joan Mitchell Foundation 2009 MFA Grant Recipients Show. This is the 8th annual show, which is organized by the Cue Art Foundation in New York. Congratulations are in order as Daina is one of only fifteen artists from across the U.S. to receive the 2009 grant and be included in this important exhibition. More information about the exhibition, including a catalog essay and discussion of Daina's work, can be found at: http://www.cueartfoundation.org/2009-mfa-grant-recipients.html#artist_content
More news next week!